
Cops' praise for milkman who helps injured woman in Langdon Hills

Read the full story here...

Since starting the business I was keen to bring back the traditional milkman in the areas we covered. Years ago there were milkmen & women in every road in every town on mass and crime rates seemed to be non-existent. Obviously back then there would have also been police out and about in the early mornings as well but I am certain with so many milk rounds covering all areas people choose not to bother with burglaries and car theft as they knew there were so many people around.

Already we have been recognised for the difference we make in the community, we were shortlisted for a national heart of gold award with the small awards in 2019. We aim to be the eyes and ears of the local community during the early mornings and have saved customers cars from being stolen, assisted with serious crimes being the first on scene and helped out where needed when people have been attacked.
I always work on the principle if I have a gut instinct that something's not right it usually isn't.

A few months ago I found a young lady in a car with the engine running in a very vulnerable position. These days the emergency services are stretched very thin so we are able to get the right services to the necessary areas when required.

Milkman and community hero Paul tells of life and death bridge drama

Christmas can be a time that brings about all kinds of emotions for people and I am very used to seeing an array of issues surrounding mental health. Obviously with changes in our lives and the roller coaster of life itself we are all very close to having mental health issues. I have lots of experience in this field from my time working in the front line ambulance service and of course within my own life experiences.

I was glad to be in the right place at the right time Christmas just gone when I was believe it or not driving one of our vans fully lit up like a Christmas tree and making deliveries dressed as Santa! I saw a person holding onto the railings on a bridge over the busy A13. At first I thought they may be unwell but knew I had to stop. The young man was not in the best of mind frames and told me he was going to jump as his life was not worth living anymore.

Well there will be no one taking their own life or dying on our watch and that morning I would have done anything required to make sure he didn't jump. Luckily enough talking to him for a while and getting the police there did the job.

You can read the full story on Thurrock Nub News here:

World Down Syndrome Day

We love everything The Ace Group achieve locally with all their wonderful team and members and we will always support them in every way we can.

You can read more about their amazing work via the link below:

Bee Kind Foundation

We also keep an eye on the vulnerable or elderly in the community, You may not think so but Loneliness is now a real issue, some people who are house bound see no one from one day to the next. We regularly seek out people in the community who may need an eye keeping out for them or calling in to see them for a little chat.
We have just finished our second year working with our customers and other supporters on my Bee Kind Foundation. I have been running The Bee Kind Foundation for a number of years now.

I set this up initially to fund raise for local groups and we have raised over £30k in this time with local volunteers making sure every penny and every donation has gone to people in the community for things needed or to help those less fortunate. As life has got ridiculously busy we now concentrate on an Easter Egg & Christmas present appeal. 2019 Saw us gather, wrap and distribute thousands of gifts to residents of care homes, assisted living sites, refuges and hospitals across Basildon & Thurrock.

You can find out more about our group at:

Homeless Help in Basildon

We always support a great team helping Basildon and surrounding area homeless. We have fund raised for this group in the past but now we regularly have more milk and bread etc. than we need we have become their milk supplier. We will be donating whatever we can on a weekly basis to ensure everyone has plenty of hot drinks to keep them warm and sandwiches etc made from lovely locally baked bread.

You can find out more about the groups wonderful work at:

We are regularly mentioned for different awards and nominated by our customers. We never do what we do for recognition but it's always nice to know what people think of us.

I also like to be a little different adding attention to detail whether that's delivering little cards welcoming customers home from their holidays, delivering little Easter eggs or chocolate Santa's with the milk at Easter & Christmas or leaving little surprises on doorsteps when we see a birthday banner on a door.

Supporting Local Football

We love to support local clubs so when we was approached by one of East Thurrock Football club's youth teams we were only too willing to sponsor their latest kit. The boys seemed to enjoy the visit from our little electric milk float and a taste of our super fresh milk too!

 We aim to continue to be different in a business sense and want to be known as the local little dairy not just for delivering an array of wonderful tasting products in returnable glass bottles working to eliminate single use plastic.